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第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强进口计量器具的监督管理,根据《中华人民共和国计量法》和《中华人民共和国计量法实施细则》的有关规定,制定本办法。
第二条 任何单位和个人进口计量器具,以及外商(含外国制造商、经销商,下同)或其代理人在中国销售计量器具,都必须遵守本办法。
第三条 进口计量器具的监督管理,由国务院计量行政部门主管,具体实施由国务院和地方有关部门分工负责。

第二章 进口计量器具的型式批准
第四条 凡进口或外商在中国境内销售列入本办法所附《中华人民共和国进口计量器具型式审查目录》内的计量器具的,应向国务院计量行政部门申请办理型式批准。
第五条 外商或其代理人申请型式批准,须向国务院计量行政部门递交型式批准申请书、计量器具样机照片和必要的技术资料。
第六条 国务院计量行政部门接受申请后,负责安排授权的技术机构进行定型鉴定,并通知外商或其代理人向承担定型鉴定的技术机构提供样机和以下技术资料:
第七条 定型鉴定按鉴定大纲进行。鉴定大纲由承担鉴定的技术机构,根据国务院计量行政部门发布的《计量器具定型鉴定技术规范》的要求制定。主要内容包括:外观检查、计量性能考核以及安全性、环境适应性、可靠性和寿命试验等。
第八条 定型鉴定的结果由承担鉴定的技术机构报国务院计量行政部门审核。经审核合格的,由国务院计量行政部门向申请人颁发《中华人民共和国进口计量器具型式批准证书》,并准予在相应的计量器具和包装上使用中华人民共和国进口计量器具型式批准的标志和编号。
第九条 承担定型鉴定的技术机构及其工作人员,对申请人提供的技术资料必须保密。
第十条 有下列情况之一的,经国务院计量行政部门同意,可申请办理临时型式批准,具体办法由国务院计量行政部门规定:
第十一条 外国制造的计量器具经我国型式批准后,由国务院计量行政部门予以公布。

第三章 进口计量器具的审批
第十二条 申请进口计量器具,按国家关于进口商品的规定程序进行审批。
第十三条 因特殊需要,申请进口非法定计量单位的计量器具和国务院禁止使用的其他计量器具,须经国务院计量行政部门批准。
第十四条 申请进口非法定计量单位的计量器具和国务院禁止使用的其他计量器具的单位,应向国务院计量行政部门提供以下材料和文件:

第四章 进口计量器具的检定
第十五条 进口以销售为目的的列入《中华人民共和国依法管理的计量器具目录》内的计量器具,在海关验放后,订货单位必须向所在的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府计量行政部门申请检定。当地不能检定的,向国务院计量行政部门申请检定。
第十六条 接受进口计量器具检定申请的政府计量行政部门,应指定计量检定机构及时进行检定。对检定合格的,应由政府计量行政部门出具检定证书、检定合格证或加盖检定合格印,并准予销售。
第十七条 订货单位应将计量行政部门对进口计量器具的检定结果报告所在地区的商检机构。检定不合格,需要向外索赔的,订货单位应及时向所在地区商检机构申请复验出证。
第十八条 进口不以销售为目的的计量器具,按照国家关于一般进口商品检验工作的管理办法办理。

第五章 法律责任
第十九条 违反本办法规定,进口非法定计量单位的计量器具或国务院禁止使用的其他计量器具的,按照《中华人民共和国计量法实施细则》第四十四条规定追究法律责任。
第二十条 进口计量器具未经省级以上人民政府计量行政部门指定的计量检定机构检定合格而销售的,按照《中华人民共和国计量法实施细则》第五十条规定追究法律责任。
第二十一条 违反本办法第四条规定,进口或销售未经国务院计量行政部门型式批准的计量器具的,计量行政部门有权封存其计量器具,责令其补办型式批准手续,并可处以相当于进口或销售额百分之三十以下的罚款。
第二十二条 承担进口计量器具定型鉴定的技术机构违反本办法第九条规定的,按照《中华人民共和国计量法实施细则》第五十八条规定追究法律责任。

第六章 附 则
第二十三条 引进成套设备中配套的计量器具以及不以销售为目的的计量器具的监督管理,按国家有关规定办理。
第二十四条 与本办法有关的申请书、证书和标志式样,由国务院计量行政部门统一制定。
第二十五条 申请进口计量器具的型式批准、定型鉴定和计量检定,应按国家有关规定缴纳费用。
第二十六条 进口用于统一量值的标准物质的监督管理,可参照本办法执行。
第二十七条 本办法由国务院行政部门负责解释。
第二十八条 本办法自发布之日起施行。



Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on October 11, 1989 and promulgated
by the Decree No. 3 of the State Bureau of Technology Supervision on
November 4, 1989)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Measures are formulated, in accordance with the pertinent
stipulations of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China and
the Rules for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People's
Republic of China, for the purpose of strengthening the supervision over
the administration of imported instruments of measurement.
Article 2
Any units and individuals that are engaged in the importation of
instruments of measurement and any foreign businessmen (including foreign
manufacturers, salesmen, the same hereinafter) or their agents who are
engaged in the sales of instruments of measurement in China must abide by
these Measures.
Article 3
The competent administrative department under the State Council shall be
responsible for the supervision over and administration of imported
instruments of measurement. The departments concerned under the State
Council and in the local governments shall be responsible for the actual
implementation in keeping with the division of responsibility.

Chapter II Model Approval of Imported Instruments of Measurement
Article 4
Anyone who wants to import the instruments of measurement listed in the
Catalogue of Model Examination of the People's Republic of China for
Imported Instruments of Measurement attached to these Measures or any
foreign businessman who wants to sell these instruments in China must
apply to the competent department in charge of measurement under the State
Council for model approval.
Applications for model approval for imported instruments should be
submitted by foreign businessmen.
Applications for model approval for instruments sold by foreign
businessmen in China should be submitted by the foreign businessmen or
their agents.
The competent department in charge of measurement under the State Council
may, according to changes of circumstances, make minor adjustments of the
Catalogue of Model Examination of the People's Republic of China for
Imported Instruments of Measurement.
Article 5
In applying for model approval, foreign businessmen or their agents must
submit model approval application, photographs or the sample instruments
and necessary technical data to the competent department in charge of
measurement under the State Council. The competent department under the
State Council shall conduct examination of the materials submitted by
foreign businessmen or their agents according to the relevant provisions
of the measurement law and regulations.
Article 6
After receiving applications, the competent department under the State
Council shall arrange for an authorized technical agency to conduct design
appraisement and inform the foreign businessmen or their agents that they
should provide the technical agency with sample instruments and the
following technical data:
(1) the technical manuals of the instruments;
(2) the assembly diagrams, structural drawings and circuit diagrams of the
(3) the documents of technical standards and the methods for examination;
(4) the testing reports on the sample instruments;
(5) the operation instructions.
The sample instruments needed in the design appraisement should be
provided free of charge by the foreign businessmen or their agents.
Customs authorities shall inspect and release the instruments on the
strength of the letters of guarantee issued by the competent department in
charge of measurement under the State Council and shall impose no customs
duties. The sample instruments shall be returned to the applicants after
the appraisements.
Article 7
Design appraisement shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements
laid down in the appraisement outline which is drawn up by the technical
agency responsible for the appraisement according to the Technical
Specifications of Design Appraisement for Instruments of Measurement
issued by the competent administrative department under the State Council.
Its main content includes inspection of the exterior assessment of
measurement functions, safety, adaptability to environment, reliability
and service life.
Article 8
The results of the design appraisement shall be reported by the technical
agency responsible for the appraisement to the competent administrative
department under the State Council for verification. Those applicants
whose instruments have passed such examination and verification shall be
issued with the Certificate of Approval of the People's Republic of China
for Designs of Imported Instruments of Measurement by the competent
administrative department under the State Council and shall be allowed to
use the marks and serial numbers of the People's Republic of China for
design approval on the corresponding instruments and their packages.
Article 9
The technical agencies responsible for design appraisement and their
personnel must keep secret the technical data provided by applicants.
Article 10
Applications for temporary model approvals for instruments, which fall
into any of the following categories, can be made with prior consent of
the competent administrative department under the State Council, which
shall stipulate the relevant procedures:
(1) those instruments reserved for sale after exhibitions;
(2) those instruments which are indeed urgently needed;
(3) those instruments whose sales volume is extremely small;
(4) those instruments for which China is incapable of carrying out design
appraisement for the time being.
Article 11
Those instruments of measurement produced in foreign countries which have
obtained design approvals in our country shall be made public by the
competent department under the State Council.

Chapter III Examination and Approval of Imported Instruments of Measurement
Article 12
Applications to import instruments of measurement must be examined and
approved according to the procedures stipulated by the state concerning
imported commodities. The relevant competent administrative departments
for examination and approval and the special departments in charge of
examination shall conduct examination of official measures for instruments
of measurement to be imported, which are listed in the Catalogue of the
People's Republic of China Concerning Instruments of Measurement
Controlled by Law and must ensure that the instruments of measurement to
be imported according to the provisions of Article 4 of these Measures
pass model approval. If the relevant instruments fail to pass the
examination, the departments responsible for examination and approval may
not approve of import of them and foreign trade departments may not order
the goods.
The Customs shall inspect and release imported instruments of measurement
on the strength of the documents of approval issued by the department
responsible for examination and approval.
Article 13
Applications, as required by special needs, to import instruments of non-
official measures or those instruments which have been prohibited by the
State Council must be subject to approval of the administrative department
for measurement under the State Council.
Article 14
The units which apply to import instruments of non-official measures or
those instruments which have been prohibited by the State Council should
provide the following materials and documents to the administrative
department for measurement under the State Council:
(1) applications;
(2) the functions and technical standards of the instruments;
(3) the photographs and operation instructions of the instruments;
(4) the documents of approval issued by the competent authorities above
the applying units.

Chapter IV Examination and Determination of Imported Instruments of Measurement
Article 15
Those units which import, for sale on the domestic market, instruments as
listed in the Catalogue of the People's Republic of China Concerning the
Instruments of Measurement Controlled by Law must, after the inspection
and release by the Customs, apply for examination and determination to the
administrative departments for measurement in the people's governments of
their respective provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly
under the Central Government. If it cannot be done locally, they may apply
to the administrative department for measurement under the State Council
for examination and determination.
Article 16
The government administrative departments for measurement which deal with
applications for examination and determination of imported instruments of
measurement shall appoint agencies for prompt measurement examination and
determination. If the instruments pass the examination and determination,
the government administrative departments shall issue certificates of
examination and determination and certificates of quality or affix stamps
and allow their sales.
Article 17
The units ordering such instruments shall report the result of examination
and determination to the local commodity inspection agencies. In case the
instruments fail to pass the examination and determination and therefore
give rise to the necessity to claim compensation from foreign suppliers,
the units should apply in time to the local commodity inspection agencies
for re-inspection certificates.
Article 18
Those instruments of measurement which are imported for purposes other
than sales shall be dealt with according to the measures stipulated by the
State concerning inspection of ordinary imported commodities.

Chapter V Legal Liability
Article 19
Those who violate the provisions of these Measures by importing
instruments of measurement of non-official measures or other instruments
prohibited by the State Council shall be investigated for legal
liabilities in accordance with the provisions of Article 44 of the Rules
for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of
Article 20
Those who import and sell the instruments of measurements which have not
been examined and determined by the agencies for measurement examination
and determination designated by the administrative departments in charge
of measurement in the people's governments above provincial level shall be
investigated for legal liabilities in accordance with the provisions of
Article 50 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Metrology Law of the
People's Republic of China.
Article 21
If anyone or any units violate the provisions of Article 4 of these
Measures by importing or selling those instruments of measurement which
have not obtained the model approval by the administrative department for
measurement under the State Council, the administrative departments in
charge of measurement have the right to seal up their instruments, order
them to go through the formalities for model approval and may also impose
a fine of less than 30% of the import volume or the sales volume.
Article 22
Technical agencies responsible for design appraisement for imported
instruments of measurement that have violated the provisions of Article 9
of these Measures shall be investigated for legal liabilities in
accordance with the provisions of Article 58 of the Rules for the
Implementation of the Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 23
The supervision over and administration of the instruments of measurement
which form a part of complete sets of equipment introduced from abroad and
the instruments imported for purposes other than sale on the domestic
market shall be conducted according to the relevant stipulations of the
Article 24
The applications, certificates and types of marks related to these
Measures shall all be formulated by the competent department under the
State Council.
Article 25
Fees for model approval, design appraisement and measurement examination
and determination for imported instruments of measurement should be paid
in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the state.
Article 26
The supervision over and administration of imported standard substances
used in unifying measure values may be conducted with reference to these
Article 27
These Measures shall be interpreted by the administrative department for
measurement under the State Council.
Article 28
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
Appendix: The Catalogue of Model Examination of the People's Republic of
China for Imported Instruments of Measurement:
1. Weighing apparatus (including scales);
2. Sensors;
3. Sound meters;
4. Surveying machines with three coordinates;
5. Surveying instruments for roughness of surface;
6. Geodesic instruments;
7. Calorimeters;
8. Flowmeters (including water meters and gas meters);
9. Pressure gauges (including sphygmomanometers);
10. Thermometers;
11. Digital voltmeters;
12. Field intensity meters;
13. Electrocardiographs and electroencephalographs;
14. Monitors for toxic gases, dust and water pollution;
15. Ionospheric radiation protectors;
16. Spectrometers (including meters for ultraviolet rays, infrared rays
and visible lights);
17. Gaseous phase and liquid phase chromatographs;
18. Instruments for measuring temperature and moisture content.






第一条 外商和港、澳、台同胞及华侨在本地区境内设立的合资、合作、独资企业(以下简称三资企业)均适用本规定。

第二条 对生产性的三资企业,经营期在10年以上的,从开始获利年度起,第一年和第二年免征企业所得税;第三年至第五年减半征收企业所得税。产品出口企业在法定免减税期满后,凡当年企业出口产品的产值占到该企业当年生产产品产值70%以上的,可按照税法规定的税率减半缴纳企业所得税;先进技术企业在法定免减税期满后,仍为先进技术企业的,可按照税率延长三年减半缴纳企业所得税。


第三条 产品出口企业和先进技术企业,以及投资于交通、水利、电力等基础设施的项目;围绕能源、机电、冶金、化工、轻工、纺织、食品等支柱产业,为现有企业、特别是国有大中型企业进行嫁接改造项目,从获利年度起免征地方所得税10年。其它三资企业免征地方所得税5年。

第四条 投资于工业、商业、金融、旅游、服务业以及房地产等到项目的用地,由县(市)以上人民政府土地管理部门通过出让方式取得土地使用权,土地使用权可以转让出租、抵押。



第五条 投资于农、林、牧、鱼开发性项目;兴办交通、能源、基础设施等项目;开发利用滩涂或改造利用废弃土地的项目;开发不以盈利为目的的教育、文化、科学技术、卫生、体育和其它社会公益事业的项目,可由市、县以上人民政府土地管理部门,通过画拔方式取得土地使用权,但不得转让、出租、抵押;确需转让、出租、抵押的按土地使用审批权限,先办理土地使用权出让手续,缴纳土地使用权出让金后方可进行。


第六条 在本地区境内的寿阳、昔阳、和顺、左权、榆社等五县设立三资企业,在享受本规定第二条第三条所列免、减税待遇期满后,经企业申请,税务部门报请上级批准,在以后的10年内可继续按应纳税额减征15%至30%的企业所得税。

第七条 三资企业用煤、水、电、油、气由有关主管部门优先安排,保证供应。

第八条 三资企业的出口产品运输,由企业向对外经济贸易主管部门报送运输计划,对外销产品,纳入对外经济贸易运输计划给予保证;对内销产品,纳入全区运输计划优先安排;企业也可购置自备车或建立汽车运输队运输本企业产品。

第九条 外商和港、澳、台同胞通过兴办三资企业缴纳企业所得税后,取得的利润再投资于本企业、增加注册资本或作为资本投资开办其它三资企业,经营期不少于五年,退还其再投资部分已缴纳企业所得税的40%;再投资举办、扩建出口产品或先进技术企业,经营期不少于五年,全部退还其再投资部分已缴纳的企业所得税;将分得利润捐赠于国内公益事业,可全部退还其捐赠部分已缴纳的企业所得税。

第十条 鼓励三资企业在国内雇佣所需的职员、工人,也允许他们从国外聘任技术专家、高级经营管理人员。三资企业可根据生产经营需要,自行确定招聘各类职员的数量、时间、条件和方式,职员招聘后必须按照国家有关劳动法规和政策规定,在平等自愿、协商一致的基础上签定劳动合同,并到当地劳动行政部门进鉴证。

第十一条 本地我投资方委派到三资企业工作的高级管理人员,在任期内一般不得调动他们的工作,如需调动,按企业章程办理。

第十二条 三资企业的外汇资金,在企业资金的经营范围内可自主安排使用。凡符合国家产业政策和本区鼓励外商投资的项目,外汇不能自行平衡的,可向外汇管理部门申请,批准后允许通过外汇调剂中心平衡外汇收支。

第十三条 经营外汇业务的银行可以向三资企业优先提供以下国内、外币贷款:1中短期贷款;2中长期贷款;3进出口买方信贷;4临时贷款;5当年出口产品产值在70%以上,且外汇可自行平衡的,可给予授信额度贷款;6对经济效益和资信均好的,可实行限额贷款。

第十四条 本规定从一九九六年一月一日起执行。

第十五条 本规定由晋中地区招商引资委员会负责解释。
